Hypnotize Your Friends

by lifeto, llc



This is the companion for Hypnotize Your Friendsfor the Oculus Quest 2 available on the app lab. Thiswill teach you how to hypnotize your friends in a vr environment.First thing to do is launch the hypnotize your friends app in questand select the hypnotic environment.Second, have your friend sit down(do not have them lay down),have them put on the headset and adjust so it is very comfortable.Once your friend is relaxed and comfortable, have them stare directlyat the hypnotic environment while having them take deep breaths.Repeat the same phrase over and over again, it can be any phrase thatis positive, such as "you are very peaceful at the moment."Then have your friend relax all their muscles.Once you feel as though your friend is in a trance like stateyou can begin to ask your friend all the questions you want answers to.Make sure you limit the hypnotism to 15 minutes.Once complete, have your friend countdown from 10at which time they should return to a normal state.Take the headset off your friend and discuss the hypnotism to them.